Our Curriculum
Curriculum Offer
New Perspectives School delivers a differentiated curriculum which is aligned to our pupils’ ages, levels of academic ability, interests, needs and aspirations. It is coherent, imaginative, and well planned, building on prior learning and experiences. There is integrated therapeutic support as necessary and a focus on developing resilience and preparing our pupils for the next stage in their lives.
The specialist curriculum is tailored to our pupils’ individual needs and based on a child-centred planning framework. All pupils will have access to a broad and rich curriculum including enrichment opportunities, which will provide memorable experiences, and we will ensure that there are no limits to the learning environment and will develop pupils’ curiosity by giving them the opportunity to have new experiences, learn, develop and secure knowledge outside of the classroom.
Our core curriculum consists of English, Maths, Science and Art.
Our non-core curriculum consists of PSHE including RSE, History, Geography, PE, RE, ICT – Digital Media, Citizenship, Careers and Life Skills which includes Home Cooking, Travel Training, Money Management and how to be a good citizen.
All pupils will have the opportunity to gain a range of qualifications including GCSE’s, Functional Skills, Entry Level, Arts Award, BTEC, Asdan and Prince’s Trust.